
I was recently given a list of 1970s movies (I will be continually writing my thoughts and opinions on many of the movies on this list) that I need to watch and on that list was a film called Eraserhead, Directed by David lynch.
The story revolves around a man, Henry Spencer, who has discovered that his girlfriend, Mary X, has become pregnant and later gives birth to a bizarrely deformed baby. During the film Henry's girlfriend moves out, leaving Henry with their ill baby.
Throughout this time a number of visions take place, including a dream sequence where Henry's head is made into pencil erasers.
I was left baffled by many of the sequences that took place during the film, there is so much imagery within the film that I think to try and interpret it would ruin the effect. I found Eraserhead to be one of the most visually stimulating films I have ever seen, I was absorbed, disturbed, confused but came out thanking David lynch for such a fantastic piece.

In this scene Henry has dinner with Mary X and her parents and is asked to carve the chicken.

Gayngs, oh how I adore

 Gayngs: Relayted

To base an entire album on your love for one particular band, 10CC, managed to intrigue me.

After continually listening to the album for the past 3 months I can't tell you how obsessive I have become. The atmosphere that just radiates of each song is able to gently grasp your arm and not let go until the final moments of the album. I've never been in love, but I'm pretty sure that this is what it feels like.

 Godley & Creme's “Cry

Gayngs "Cry"

A social networking site for me

 I think that the major complaint when it comes to social networking sites (it is definitely mine) is the constant updates from distant associates about the mundane things that they do throughout their day
e.g Just trapped my finger in the freezer!
Goodsreads is a social networking site designed to help you track down new and interesting books and to help your fellow reader in their decision making. A social networking site that focuses on one particular point of interest I think is fantastic and I just pray that there are more of these little gems floating around.