
I was recently given a list of 1970s movies (I will be continually writing my thoughts and opinions on many of the movies on this list) that I need to watch and on that list was a film called Eraserhead, Directed by David lynch.
The story revolves around a man, Henry Spencer, who has discovered that his girlfriend, Mary X, has become pregnant and later gives birth to a bizarrely deformed baby. During the film Henry's girlfriend moves out, leaving Henry with their ill baby.
Throughout this time a number of visions take place, including a dream sequence where Henry's head is made into pencil erasers.
I was left baffled by many of the sequences that took place during the film, there is so much imagery within the film that I think to try and interpret it would ruin the effect. I found Eraserhead to be one of the most visually stimulating films I have ever seen, I was absorbed, disturbed, confused but came out thanking David lynch for such a fantastic piece.

In this scene Henry has dinner with Mary X and her parents and is asked to carve the chicken.

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