What the flock?

I was interested to finally find out what the motive behind the 'What the flock?' campaign was that I have been seeing around the university campus. In Hyde Park there have been painted logos on the path containing a sheep and the slogan, 'what the flock?' There have also been cardboard cutouts of the sheep stuck in Hyde park field.
'What the Flock is actually a commission which has been set up to do research into substance abuse among the student population in Leeds. The campaign is the result of a collaboration between NHS Leeds, and the three Leeds Universities. They hope to bridge thegap in knowledge about this aspect of student’s lives. It is also hoped that the information gathered can be used as part of the “What the flock” campaign. They want to target students and raise awareness to help alter the way in which student’s think about and use substances.'
After discovering the purpose of the campaign I am confused about how the sheep fit in with what they were trying to put across. I think it was a case of them finding a 'funny' play on words and running with it, without any connection to the actual campaign purpose.
Students seem to agree,
'What do students think of the revelation? Katie Smith said, “I guess their trying to get students not to follow the crowd and do what everyone else does, but I’ve got to say the idea of thecampaign is a bit confusing. How do sheep link to substance abuse?”
Alice Cunliffe said “What a flocking disappointment.” The campaign has received a disappointing reception amongst students. As a campaign targeted at helping students let’s hope that it is successful.'
 They needed to attract students with something that was relevant to them and the project.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to finally find out what these little black sheep dotted here, there and everywhere are actually about. I have to say whilst reading your post I was somewhat surprised when you revealed that the message was to raise awareness about substance abuse amongst students. Although the campaign did well to cause intrigue and get everyone talking, it was all a bit of a anti climax. I was really hoping for it to be a success whatever it was as initially it was all rather exciting! What a shame!
